the adventure

as the car was slipping on the frosty ice the driver was thinking of the worst thing to happen he was raging and shaking  and worried . all of a sudden the car cuts out as the intake on the motor gets filled with thick snow he  ask him self what to do his mined seed  get out of the car and see if he can clean the intake. he comes out of the car and down he goes into a iced water hole he was drenched.the man got out of the water hole he had his dinner in the back of the car next second a white poly bear comes running towards  my car for the food it didn’t   seem to see him. all of a sudden the bear sees the man and charges at him the man hid behind the car hoping to lose the poly bear but it didn’t  work the man ran for his life and hopped in the car and locked the doors then tried to start the car the bear was scratching the car to try to get to him the man was stunned the bear was trying to get him the man was trying to start the car after a while it fired up of he went going 80 miles per hour after a long time of driving he got home and told his kids and wife about it.

the elephant

So my family and I wanted to go to Bali for a holiday we booked it. The day we hopped on the plane I have never been on a plane so I was so excited . I  had a sleep on the plane for 5 hours and the flight goes for that long so the time went by fast. So when we got off the plane we got a taxi and went  to are hotel. the next morning we went to the zoo we were at the elephant station then the elephant delivered his speech splash as we get spared with water

the old house

the afternoon i sore a  creepy house with rotted  stabilizers i was so desperate  to knock on the door to see if anyone was there i saw no sigh of anyone  but i thought i should in. i knocked on the door and i hide at a tree no one answered so i decided to go in. i went in the house i saw an ancient bike and in the bedroom i opened a necklace and it was pure gold i searched for more but nothing but i saw a dusty viola. i came out and the house vanished, i went light headed, i was so lost

the bike ride

So my friend and i was wanting to have a sleep over and the day came on  a Saturday . so he  got hear  and he  brought  his bike as we like to ride so we went  to  go for a ride in the street we went to the shop to mess around next minute every one disappeared my friend and i were left alone in the dark we could here some screams that is when my friend and i new we should run we sore the enter trance we grabbed  our  bikes and my mate is very indulgent he has good direction and directed me back  home