the cliff :

One afternoon my mates and I wanted to hang out,so I suggested to go to Roswell cliff  we had a vote and we all agreed to go there. So I grab a backpack, and we got two cans of are own soft drink and a packet of chicken twisty’s. Then we started to walk  and we got there, and so we had a quick drink me and my mates love running so we decided to go for a run I was right  in the front and my mate. Max was behind me but all of a sudden he fell down the cliff. I’m trying to hold on.

the creepy ghost:

so my  friends and i won the soccer grand final so we went to the bowling alley and then we went for a walk down the street to just hand out. but we were walking down a creepy street were  not meany people live we didn’t  now their was a creepy street their. but anyway we kept walking