the abounded museum

One morning my mate Samuel and I were walking down a old lain way in the street and then  Samuel pushed up against a white sheet and then it fell down and there was a old wooden doors what said no trespassing but  Samuel just went and  opened it and we both went inside. And there was soo much dust and a really weird smell but then as we looked to the left there was this massive stair case what looked like it hasn’t been touched for years and straight away we went up the stairs into the mysteries museum.


the Halloween is one of the funniest night but the scariest. So I was going to pick up my best mate –

Samuel he doesn’t like Halloween but I said he can have forty percent of my Lollies he said ok so we had our costumes made and of we went first of all we went to the old lady’s house rescue she has lots of Lollies every year we almost get a bad full from her then we went the all the little houses we got a couple Lollies and then Samuel and I sore someone and it was terrifying

The motorbike race

On the weekend we were going to a motorbike race what was a four hour drive from were are house is  we were very keen because the price money was a lot of money and we wanted to win. So we arrived and there were a lot of people but I new that I could beat them so we had lunch  and then I got geared up and then then I got my motorbike ready and then my sister went to go start it but the key was gone were did it go she shouted . when never did the race.

first week at school

Lets start with our MATH:

So for are math we have been doing some factors we learnt the way to use square root and exploding dots.

Second we have done some SCIENCE:

In our science we have learnt the human body we have done skeleton art and learnt about spinal cord.


for critical literacy we did bias busting by playing a game from ABC





the skatepark trip

On a student free day my mate Freddy and i wanted to do something fun with our new scooters so straight away we thought of why not a skate park so i ask mum and she said  okay . We were on our way the drive was half an hour. At 12.30 we arrived . There was only two Uther people there so we were happy after twenty minutes a man came over and his scooter was very fluffy and red me and my mate Freddy laughing so hard. But it turned out he was a really good scooter rider. He could do a back flip.

the zombie war

So my friends and i always would say zombies ant real. One of my friends David would always say they are real we tried to convince him but that didn’t  work. So we thought we should show him that they are a fake. So we went to a dilapidated  horn ted  house at 12:02 at night  it was very cold David was so disappointed  that we didn’t see one . Next minute that is  when i saw it. A zombie!!!!. It slowly came towards us the nit tried to scratch us i grabbed a stick and band goes down the zombie. It was dead. The end.

the adventure

as the car was slipping on the frosty ice the driver was thinking of the worst thing to happen he was raging and shaking  and worried . all of a sudden the car cuts out as the intake on the motor gets filled with thick snow he  ask him self what to do his mined seed  get out of the car and see if he can clean the intake. he comes out of the car and down he goes into a iced water hole he was drenched.the man got out of the water hole he had his dinner in the back of the car next second a white poly bear comes running towards  my car for the food it didn’t   seem to see him. all of a sudden the bear sees the man and charges at him the man hid behind the car hoping to lose the poly bear but it didn’t  work the man ran for his life and hopped in the car and locked the doors then tried to start the car the bear was scratching the car to try to get to him the man was stunned the bear was trying to get him the man was trying to start the car after a while it fired up of he went going 80 miles per hour after a long time of driving he got home and told his kids and wife about it.

the elephant

So my family and I wanted to go to Bali for a holiday we booked it. The day we hopped on the plane I have never been on a plane so I was so excited . I  had a sleep on the plane for 5 hours and the flight goes for that long so the time went by fast. So when we got off the plane we got a taxi and went  to are hotel. the next morning we went to the zoo we were at the elephant station then the elephant delivered his speech splash as we get spared with water